This musical narrative relates the struggle of intangible voices from across all of time, deceased, yet to be born, and alive, disguised as wind, attempting to form a perfect chord - a chord that creates tangible, perceivable music by producing vibrations in solid objects like chimes, bells, and other surfaces that resound. The wind longs to be reconciled with its tangible self. The wind believes reconciliation happens when it and objects in the tangible world create the same perfect chord together - the sound of acknowledgement. Even in reconciliation, the rhythm of fear is present, but those unafraid begin to do a joyous dance until they dissolve into and are reunited with the wind.
Chas Got the Spins
The Reconciliation of Time and Being
the sound palette:
bells/chimes/mallets - These instruments personify the tangible world.
choirs/human voices - voices personify the wind for the listener of this music. The wind symbolizes the voices of struggle and conflict from across all of time, existing together, alive and dead and yet to be born.
strings/piano/electronic sounds - these instruments create melody and tone that symbolize emotions felt by the wind and the tangible world it longs to be reconciled with. These instruments are also meant to accompany and augment other sounds in the palette.
drums/electronic percussion - percussion symbolizes the rhythm of cardiovascular reaction to extrasensory stimuli, and represents the resonation of wind against hard objects.